Upload and manage your ‘2023 Gravel Bike Events’ in complete autonomy
Hello from Mark Chambers, the creator, and manager of the UkGravelBike.club.
Firstly, thank you so much for making the ‘Gravel bike’ community that counts in the UK!
As you may have realised, this is a voluntary run community based on non-profit and freedom. I receive many emails requesting to publish your events on the self-funded website which I have created and run:
https://www.ukgravelbike.club (which clocks roughly +100 visitors a day – without advertising)
My response time is not very quick due to day-to-day work obligations. So I have thought of a solution!
I would like to offer all UK GRAVEL BIKE EVENTS AGENCIES the possibility of uploading their events in complete autonomy onto the site and then sharing them on our group pages. This is very simple to do as the platform is developed on WordPress – which is not rocket science. 🚀
So where’s the catch?
None, to be honest, the only thing I ask is for an annual contribution to help fund the hosting and Maintenance of the site. This will obviously make you become automatically one of our sponsors.
If you are interested, please buzz me on:
Whatsapp: + 39 347 12717745
Email: marketing@ukgravelbike.club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.chambers.cycler